Plenary Speakers

Ashok Rajgopal (India)

Recent Advances in Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Joint Infections: Where Are We Today?

Dr Ashok Rajgopal is a highly esteemed orthopaedic surgeon renowned for his expertise in knee replacement surgery. After completing his medical education at the esteemed All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), he underwent specialised training in orthopaedics, both in India and abroad. With over three decades of experience, Dr Rajgopal has pioneered innovative techniques in knee replacement surgery, contributing significantly to the advancement of the field. Currently serving as the Chairman of the Bone and Joint Institute at Medanta – The Medicity in Gurgaon, India, he leads a dedicated team of professionals committed to providing exceptional orthopaedic care. His unwavering dedication to patient well-being, coupled with his passion for research and education, has earned him widespread recognition and numerous accolades. He remains actively involved in research, publishing extensively and presenting at Indian and international conferences. His profound impact on orthopaedic surgery has solidified his reputation as a leading authority in the global medical community, inspiring generations of surgeons worldwide.

Frédéric Schuind (Belgium)

Integration of AI, Robotics, Immunology, Neuroscience and Surgery for Hand Amputees

Prof Frédéric Schuind is a highly esteemed and accomplished orthopaedic surgeon and professor who has dedicated his life to the field of orthopaedics and traumatology. With a career spanning several decades, he has held numerous prestigious positions, including the Head of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at Hôpital Erasme in Belgium and Full Professor at the renowned Université libre de Bruxelles. His expertise is widely recognized, with a focus on prosthetics. He has contributed significantly to the field through his active involvement in numerous scientific societies, including serving as President for the Société Royale Belge de Chirurgie Osseuse et de Traumatologie and the Belgian Orthopaedic Trauma Association. Moreover, his passion for improving the lives of those affected by musculoskeletal disorders is evident in his extensive work in organising international meetings, participating in surgical and educational missions in developing countries, and serving as a reviewer for various journals.

James Patterson Waddell (Canada)

Fifty Years of Orthopaedic Surgery: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?

Prof James Waddell graduated from the University of Alberta in 1967 and completed post graduate training in orthopaedic surgery at the University of Toronto in 1973. Appointed to the staff of Saint Michael's Hospital that same year he continues to hold an active staff position there 50 years later. He has filled a number of positions there at various times including Chief of Orthopaedics, Director of the Trauma Program and Surgeon-in-Chief. Outside the hospital he has held several positions including Professor and Chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Toronto, President of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Chief Examiner at Royal College of Surgeons of Canada, Board Chair of the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation, Clinical Lead at the Ministry of Health for Ontario and, most recently, Secretary General of SICOT. His clinical interests include hip and knee surgery, trauma and hip fracture care. He continues an active practice in these areas and his contribution to Canadian surgery has been recognised by his appointment to the Order of Canada.

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