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Welcome Message from the Scientific Programme Chair

As the Scientific Programme Chair, myself and co-chair Dr Khaled Sarraf, would like to welcome you to the 42nd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 28-30 September 2022.


After more than 2 years of COVID 19 Pandemic, of which we could interact with each other on mainly different internet platforms, this congress marks a valuable and exceptional opportunity to see each other in person finally. This year, we are very excited to have this SICOT annual congress in the Asia Pacific region. Asia Pacific comprises of many nations, each with its own unique composition of ethnicity and culture. Malaysia is one of the countries that is a good representation of Asia pacific, being a multiethnic and multireligious country with a diverse population. It is a true melting pot of a myriad of cultural traits, akin to SICOT and the Orthopaedic World Congress.


Despite that our main programme this year has shortened from a 2½-day to 2-day programme, we can assure you that the quality of our programme has not been jeopardized. In truth, we have created a compact, yet comprehensive and inspirational programme for everyone. We have invited over 250 esteemed faculties from all around the world to share their valuable experiences in 8 academic rooms and 1 industry room over the 2-day period. Apart from lectures and talks, we provide an interactive platform in each session, enabling our participants to ask questions, involve in case discussions, and participate in live polling. SICOT strives to be diverse, equal, and inclusive. This year, more than any other time in the past, we have gone the extra mile to ensure faculty representation is truly diverse, taking into account of ethnicity and gender.


Apart from our international faculties, we have invited 3 world esteemed plenary speakers and 13 keynote speakers to our congress. Professor Michael Millis from Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, United States will be sharing with us about his experience on hip preservation, while Professor Shafi Ahmed from the Royal London Hospital will be talking about the management of orthopaedic oncology. Rehabilitation remains an integral part of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. This year we have invited Professor Edward Lemaire from University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine to share his research on advanced technologies to improve mobility for people with physical disabilities. In addition, 12 keynote speakers from all over the world, who are renowned in their subspecialized fields, will share their knowledge with our participants. They are Gregory Bain (Shoulder & Elbow), James Calder (Foot & Ankle), Andrew Chin (Hand and Wrist), Chee Kidd Chiu (Spine), Peter Devane (Hip), Deborah Eastwood (Paediatrics), Guenter Lob (Injury Prevention), Vikas Khanduja (Hip Preservation), Claude Martin (Leadership), Selvadurai Nayagam (Trauma), Joo Han Oh (Sports & Arthroscopy), Marc Swiontkowski (Research), and Satoshi Toh (Microsurgery). Our 13 partnered societies including AO SDSTF, ARTOF, DMIS, EBJIS, ESSKA, Hull Deformity, ICRS, IODA, IOF-ESCEO, Tech-No bones, SOFCOT, WAIOT and WOC, will also be joining us to celebrate this event.


For the Pre-Congress activities, aside from the ever-popular Education Day for the orthopaedic trainees and young fellows, and International Course on Polytrauma Management and Disaster Management Course for all general and trauma surgeons, this is the first year that SICOT introduces the Subspecialty Day. Different specialty committees have designed dedicated programmes for delegates who would like to learn more from super-specialists in a particular area. These include Hip (co-organised with the Malaysian Hip and Knee Society), Infection, Knee (also co-organised with the MHKS), Limb Reconstruction and Foot and ankle, Paediatrics, Spine and Trauma.


No successful congress can be made possible without our industry partners. Our exhibition hall will be filled with our many different industry leaders, showcasing their latest products. These include well-known international companies as well as local business, displaying their specialised products. In addition, we have a separate industry room this year over the 2 days, with workshops organized by our industry partners. This enables registrants a better hands-on experience on selected products. Please do register in advance, as space is limited. Otherwise, registrants are welcome to mingle with our industry representatives in the courtesy room and exhibition hall.


With such an exciting programme, we cannot wait to see you all in person in Malaysia. The string of social and networking events alongside the academic platter will ensure everyone will have something memorable to look forward to.


Margaret Fok
Scientific Programme Chair
