Message from the SICOT Scientific Programme Chair
Designing and executing a scientific programme is akin to writing a movie script. Different plots, casts and exciting moments all with a memorable storyline. This year, there is the added sub-plot of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how to write a programme that takes this and the new challenges we all face into account. The SICOT story has always been one that celebrates diversity and democracy of ideas through its strong research and education academies. Unlike any other traditional organisation beyond its 90th anniversary, SICOT has evolved remarkably from a society of orthopaedic generalists to presenting a bespoke scientific programme that is current, strong in scientific muscle and yet caters for the wide and truly global audience that SICOT embraces. This year, for the first time, we will take advantage of emerging virtual technologies as well so that we can continue to reach as many people as possible despite travel limitations. This will be the first ‘hybrid’ Orthopaedic World Congress, with both face-to-face and virtual elements.
The Instructional Programme will include the usual diversity of key opinion leaders, local and international speakers, and we will be continuing our relationship with many of the Partner Societies who have put on such fantastic sessions in the past. The Specialty Chairs have been particularly creative in their presentations this year, and alongside the traditional lectures you will find debates, round tables, videos, live polls and case discussions. There will also be some new faces, with symposia supported for the first time by ESSKA and GMUSC. We hope to reprise some of the other most successful face-to-face features from the last few years’ programmes, including the Cadaver Labs, Dry Model Workshops and Hands-on Ponseti Casting Workshop. The theme for the 2021 Educational Day will be ‘Shoulder & Elbow’.
Finally, I must add, this feat is no accomplishment of just one individual. Michael Jordan famously said, ‘Talent wins games but intelligence and teamwork win championships’. Tireless support from my co-chair Peter Yau, the SICOT Head Office, the guiding hand of the Education Academy Chair, the indefatigable programme coordinator Rebecca White and yourselves, our immensely supportive membership, are and will be the reasons why Budapest 2021 will be an unforgettable story. I hope you are all as excited as I am to visit Budapest (even if virtually!); it is going to be wonderful and inspiring to come together, share ideas, educate, be educated and of course (we hope), catch up over a glass of Torley!
See you soon!
Best wishes,
Gowreeson Thevendran
SICOT Scientific Programme Chair